Historical Archive
A3M: April 18 Meeting
April 17, 1969
Call for a General Meeting of the Student Body
Announcement by ASSU President Denis Hayes calling for a general meeting of the student body on April 18 in Frost Amphitheater. The announcement includes the meeting agenda and resolutions to be discussed and voted on.
April 18, 1969
Proposed Resolution to Halt War Research at Stanford and SRI
Handbill containing a draft version of resolutions proposed to A3M Friday morning, April 18, for distribution at a student meeting in Frost that afternoon.
April 18, 1969
Stanford Research Which Leads Directly to Death and Destruction
April 18, 1969 flyer, titled “Message from the April 3rd Movement,” containing the resolutions A3M proposed for adoption by the entire Stanford student body.
Leo Bazile on Blacks, Research, and SRI
Stanford Daily article, by Leo Bazile, chairman of the Black Student Union, containing the text of his remarks at the student body meeting in Frost Amphitheater.
Paul Bernstein: We should Look Inward to Ourselves
Published article containing Paul Bernstein’s extemporaneous remarks, in full, to students and faculty attending the April 18 meeting in Frost Amphitheater.
ASSU Poll Indicates Students Favor Sit-In
Newspaper article, presumably from the Stanford Daily, reporting the results of the poll taken by students attending a special meeting of the student body called by ASSU president Denis Hayes; and also reporting the end to the sit-in.
April 18, 1969
Stanford Press Release on Frost Meeting
April 18, 1969 Stanford University News Service Press Release reporting on the “extraordinary mass meeting of some 8000 students and faculty held Friday (April 18) afternoon in Frost Amphitheater,” and on a concurrent meeting of 400 engineering students at Cubberley Auditorium.
April 20, 1969
Stanford Press Release on Poll Results
April 20, 1969 Stanford University News Service Press Release reporting the results of the voting by students at the April 18 student body meeting in Frost Amphitheater.
Beyers’ Counterinsurgency
Michael Sweeney’s Stanford Daily column on the delay by Bill Beyers of the Stanford News Service in reporting the results of the April 18 poll.
Student-Faculty Consensus on SRI vs. The Trustees
Michael Sweeney’s news analysis, in the Stanford Daily, where he reports that the students and faculty have reached a “clear consensus” that SRI should not be sold and that certain kinds of military research should cease, and how the strength of that consensus puts the Board of Trustees “in an uncomfortable, or perhaps intolerable, situation.”